Ministering to the
Whole You ministries
The following Zoom sessions are designed to give you the ability to connect to one another as the Body of Christ. If you are a member of St Matthews or not, as a member of the Body of Christ this app belongs to you. We want you to connect with others like you who also want to have an opportunity to grow. Our mission is to grow you in the 4 aspects of the Whole Person.

The following Zoom sessions are designed to give you the ability to connect to one another as the Body of Christ. If you are a member of St Matthews or not, as a member of the Body of Christ this app belongs to you. We want you to connect with others like you who also want to have an opportunity to grow. Our mission is to grow you in the 4 aspects of the Whole Person.

Available Zoom Classes

Early Morning Corporate Prayer
Days: Monday – Friday
Time: 6:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 836 9083 4869
Password: 653831
Welcome to our 6am Zoom Prayer. Every morning you will connect to hundreds of saints who start each morning off with The Lord in prayer. As life’s challenges come it truly is a blessing to have the saints join with you in faith praying and believing God for you to have success and strength. Each day our spiritual leaders will give you a Word for the day and a uplifting prayer to give you a strong push off into the days journey. We look forward to you joining us each morning! Join us by clicking the ZOOM link below.

Daily Workout
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting ID: 893 7954 2086
Password: 714588
We are excited to present to the Body of Christ our daily ZOOM Workout with our Professional Certified Personal Trainer. You finally have a personal trainer that will help you get in shape. What’s amazing is it is at no cost to you as a member of St Matthews. Our personal trainer will lead you into a 35-minute daily workout so you can meet your weight and body fitness goals. Our trainer will also help you design a personal healthy diet so that you don’t just look good, but also feel good. Join us by clicking the ZOOM link below.

Men Made STrong
Days: Every 2nd Friday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 872 0988 6267
Password: 553267
This portion of our app allows Men from all walks of life to connect and engage one another on things that men grow through that only men can understand. We have a trained mental health therapist who will discuss practical topics that men of the faith experience as leaders of the home, community, and people. Men need men to stay strong through life’s challenges. Join us through Zoom and allow this fellowship to allow you to network with men of like passions and goals.

Women Winning
Days: Every 2nd Friday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 896 3799 5861
Password: No Passcode
All women, we are excited to announce that the gathering of women of God is now available online. Join fellowship with sisters of the faith through Zoom and receive strong spiritual and therapeutic teaching to strengthen your walk with Christ while growing also in mental health. As a woman you experience many challenges in life and we need you to be strong. Join us through the ZOOM link below as we build you up in The Lord!

Couples 4 Christ
Days: Every 3rd Thursday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 893 4616 9476
Password: 644539
If your marriage is strong or in shambles, we all need reinforcement in our relationship and marriages. Our church app online couples counseling allows you to receive free marriage and relationship counseling from a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist who is trained in providing sound and spiritual marriage counseling for you and your loved one. Listen, this investment in your relationship can yield your family generational blessings that will pass to your children, children’s children and beyond. Make this small commitment that will yield you a great return. This couples networking opportunity also builds great relationships with other couples. We will use this fellowship to plan couples dinners. Outings, trips, vacations, etc.

Singles Linked
Days: Every 4th Friday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 841 3197 7867
Password: 682984
We are so excited to unite Singles from all over to join together and link with our singles and receive great fellowship and great insight from our trained therapists on issues relating to being single. Our therapist will address issues about loneliness, relationships, healing internally, finding peace in you, preparing for what and even who God is preparing for you and other important topics singles look to discuss. This will be a great opportunity for you to connect with other singles and build long lasting friendships. This fellowship will lead to singles fellowships, outings, and trips.

College Aged and Young Adults
Days: 2nd & 4th Wednesday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 814 7581 7048
Password: 204247
You are the generation of today. As a young adult who either has just went off to college or even those who have graduated and are starting off into your careers and starting families, we all need help. Being able to network with someone who may either being experiencing what you are going through or one who can give insight to others on how to build a great life, this app allows you to do this. We want to help you connect and get insight on building credit, building a financial plan, buying first home, career planning, etc. We have a trained professional who will also engage with you and others on overcoming failures, past mistakes, missed opportunities, and other issues that you feel have caused your life to not move at the pace you envisioned. This is your opportunity to move forward towards success. We will be able to use this connection to have events and gatherings where you can meet all who are connected.

Days: Every Wednesday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 841 6094 0739
Password: 156671
With this pandemic our teens have been separated from friends and family. Needing other teens to talk to and network with are important right now. As you are preparing to go to college or start your life very soon, these days allow you to enjoy your youth before you step into responsibilities, life’s challenges and all that awaits you before you grow into being a young adult. Connect with other teens so you have someone to talk to. You are not alone. You don’t have to feel like you are in this by yourself. Connect with other teens and laugh, go on snow trips, beach days, and enjoy your teen life with other teens.

Youth Uprising
Days: Every Wednesday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 811 2067 5854
Password: 436730
If you are the age of 8-12 years of age connect with us. We are so excited to have fun as kids. Join this group and connect with kids your age from all over. We will talk, play games online, laugh and build friendships. We will also be able to plan events, play days, and trips (snow trip, summer camps, days at the beach, etc.).

Seniors Connect to Smile (60 years+)
Days: Every Wednesday
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 874 6019 2595
Password: 817881
Just because you are close to your Golden years doesn’t mean you have lost your desire to connect with others your age. You may be retired or nearing retirement, and these days being able to sit back and talk with other seniors and connect may be the conduit God will use to bring back the laughter, joy and smile you need. Join us and see how this 1-hour connection twice a week ushers laughter and peace into your life by connecting with those your age in the body of Christ.