About This Ministry
The Singles Ministry is an entity that unites singles through fellowship, bible training, mentoring, and preparation for marriage. This ministry will be a healing to the widow /widower; encouragement to those divorced; and preparation for those that are single.
Each month the singles meet to build and strengthen their relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will plan monthly events and activities which will include singles night out, singles roundtable, singles fellowship with other churches, singles playing the dating game, and movie night for singles. A curriculum will be offered to singles to assess a potential mate through scriptures to discern a godly man or woman.
We equip you with Godly tools to help you live a Christian single life.
So if your are unmarried (age 18 or older) who happens to be single by chance, change or choice, we would like to invite you to be a part of the Singles Ministry!
Single’s Ministry Motto
Sharing our faith,
In fellowship with God and others.
Nursing hearts with the Grace of God, in a
Genuine atmosphere, and
Laughing with one another while
Embracing ALL singles and
Serving with joyful hearts
Our Mission
The mission of the Singles Ministry is to help us build strong relationships and to understand the Love of God’s plans in and for our lives. We are committed to a ministry where individual needs are met and spiritual growth is a priority.
The key objective of the Singles Ministry is to seek the Kingdom of God and to establish relationships that are nurtured in Christian Love.
Special Events & Activities
Get Involved With Us
We the leadership and staff of the Singles Ministry wish to extend an invitation to join us in fellowship and praise.
All singles 18 and up are welcome to join us every second Saturday as we come together to discuss issues that face singles in today’s society.
We are “Saved Singles Servicing God” and are excited about the things that are happening here at St. Matthews and want to help other singles to learn how to live happy AND holy for the Lord.
Ministry leaders

Bro. Ken Manu

Sis. Amber Gordon
Join Through Zoom

We are so excited to unite Singles from all over to join together and link with our singles and receive great fellowship and great insight from our trained therapists on issues relating to being single. Our therapist will address issues about loneliness, relationships, healing internally, finding peace in you, preparing for what and even who God is preparing for you and other important topics singles look to discuss. This will be a great opportunity for you to connect with other singles and build long lasting friendships. This fellowship will lead to singles fellowships, outings, and trips.
Days: Every 4th Friday
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 841 3197 7867
Password: 682984